How many medical events and pilot incapacitations, being immediately reportable events, have CASA received over the past 36 calendar months? Of that number, how many occurred on long-haul flights and how many were on short-haul flights or single pilot operations?

Question Number: 65 PDR Number: SQ22-000601 Date Submitted: 16/11/2022 Department or Body: Australian Transport Safety Bureau Since November 2019, there have been 21 immediately reportable incapacitation occurrences (12 serious incidents and 9 incidents) reported and processed by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB). There was also a further 15 routinely reportable occurrences. None occurred during […]

When does the Attorney-General expect to set up the Federal Judicial Commission?

Question Number: 178 PDR Number: LCC-OBE22-178 Date Submitted: 16/11/2022 Department or Body: Attorney-General’s Department As announced in the October 2022-23 Budget, the Government is scoping the merit and potential design options to establish a federal judicial commission that can independently examine complaints made to it in relation to judicial officers, and take appropriate action. The […]

1. Why are officers/staff being mandated to take the Covid-19 vaccine and being threatened with disciplinary action if they speak to MPs? 2. Why are they being sacked if they have exemptions? 3. How many officers/staff have been stood down because of the Covid-19 vaccines mandates?

Question Number: 95 PDR Number: LCC-OBE22-95 Date Submitted: 16/11/2022 Department or Body: Australian Federal Police 1. The spread of COVID-19 within the AFP, resulting in AFP appointees becoming unwell/unfit for duty or needing to isolate or quarantine, could result in a significant reduction in the AFP’s capacity to carry out its functions and deliver essential […]

1. Can I get all correspondence with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and other government officials about the size of the crowd on February 12 at Parliament House? 2. Can the AFP provide the assumptions used to estimate the crowd size?

Question Number: 94 PDR Number: LCC-OBE22-94 Date Submitted: 16/11/2022 Department or Body: Australian Federal Police (Refer to QoN LCC-OBE22-83) 1. During the protest activity in the ACT in early 2022, the AFP (both ACT Policing and AFP National) provided ongoing verbal updates and briefings to stakeholders and Government agencies including the Department of Parliamentary Services, […]

A number of private organisations in the media, medical professionals, and Pfizer have claimed the Comirnaty (Pfizer) COVID-19 vaccine was safe and effective without outlining the risks or lack of quality assurance in regard to testing the vaccine. Genotoxicity, carcinogenic, and longitudinal testing are just some of the tests that didn’t occur. Other risks with missing information are outlined in the table below. There were only around 19,000 from the vaccinated group evaluated when over 21,000 were vaccinated. One of these was Maddie De Garay, a 12-year-old girl, who ended up in a wheelchair being fed through a tube. 1. What laws are in place to ensure that all risks are outlined, as well as the rewards, when medical products are advertised or promoted – if laws do exist why weren’t they upheld in the case the Comirnaty (Pfizer) COVID-19 vaccine? 2. What recourse do victims of the Comirnaty (Pfizer) COVID-19 vaccine have against private organisations such as the media, pharmaceutical companies, and health professionals who constantly repeated the vaccine is safe and effective without highlighting the risks? 3. What steps can the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission take in regard to the promotion of medical products in order to prevent misleading and deceptive conduct in the future? (See table)

Question Number: 70 PDR Number: SBE070 Date Submitted: 16/11/2022 Department or Body: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 1. This question relates to matters that are regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which is responsible for regulating the supply, import, export, manufacturing and advertising of therapeutic goods, medical devices and medicines. 2. This question should […]

1. Are individuals subjected to Covid vaccine mandates being counted in unemployment figures? If not, how are the number of people out work because of mandates being tracked? 2. Is the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) tracking deaths by vaccinated status – given it is being recorded on the Australian immunisation register it is possible to do? 3. If so, could the ABS please provide a line-by-line breakout of 2021 deaths by vaccinated versus unvaccinated deaths (personal details other than age can be excluded)? Can the detail include date of death and date of last vaccination? 4. Can the ABS provide a breakout of non-specific causes for 2021 deaths by item code? 5. Why isn’t the ABS comparing 2021 data to 2020 data rather than 2015-2019 given those years were pre-Covid conditions?

Question Number: 69 PDR Number: SBE069 Date Submitted: 16/11/2022 Department or Body: Australian Bureau of Statistics 1. People who have lost a job will be reflected in ABS unemployment figures, as measured by the Labour Force Survey. The survey does not ask people about their vaccination status or requirements to be vaccinated. 2. The ABS […]

I note the RBA failed to disclose to the relevant treasurers about missing gold bars in the 2013 audit of the gold reserves in London. Subsequent examination of the serial numbers reveals Australia’s gold bars have been refined since 2015 onwards. Will the AFP investigate where Australia’s gold bars were before 2015? Can the AFP confirm that the gold contained in Australia’s gold bars was not laundered as a result of any conflicts in Ukraine or the middle east prior to 2015?

Question Number: 96PDR Number: LCC-OBE22-96Date Submitted: Department or Body: Australian Federal Police Answer Pending

Does the policy on workplace conduct apply to former Justices of the High Court of Australia? Does the High Court of Australia currently provide offices to former Justices of the High Court of Australia? Has it provided offices to former Justices of the High Court of Australia in the recent past (the last five years) ? Which former Justices of the High Court of Australia have been provided offices or access to offices? What period (start and finish date) were they provided access? Has there been a complaint of inappropriate workplace conduct against any former Justices of the High Court of Australia in relation to their behavior in office facilities provided by the High Court of Australia? What was the alleged conduct that was complained of? Was there an investigation into the alleged conduct? What were its findings? Was access to offices by any former Justices of the High Court of Australia revoked as a result of a complaint? When? Why? When does the Attorney-General expect to set up the Federal Judicial Commission? Is there a register of interests for Justices of the High Court of Australia, similar to the register for politicians? If not, why not? How can people feel confident they are getting a fair trial if Justices of the High Court of Australia are not fully transparent as to their interests?

Question Number: 92 PDR Number: LCC-OBE22-92 Date Submitted: Department or Body: High Court of Australia • Does the policy on workplace conduct apply to former Justices of the High Court of Australia? The Justices’ Policy on Workplace Conduct has applied to conduct by the Chief Justice and Justices since its adoption by the Justices in […]