1. According to the December 2020 update, Australia emitted 499 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent to a 5 per cent decrease on 2019. Australia’s grasslands are estimated to be 440 million hectares and native forest 147 million hectares, a total of approximately 587 hectares. It is estimated forest and grasslands absorb between 0.5 and 2 tonnes of carbon per hectare. Assuming an average of 1 tonne of CO2 absorbed by these landscapes then isn’t Australia already at net zero? 2. Can the CSIRO provide a comprehensive roadmap of the work required for Australia to meet a 43% reduction in CO2 by 2030? This roadmap should set out the length of transmission lines, the number of transmission towers, the number of solar panels (for a given wattage), the number of wind turbines (for a given wattage), the number of batteries (for a given storage), the amount of lithium, copper, cobalt, nickel, concrete, and steel etc. needed to build the aforesaid generators and storage. It will need to include the amount of land needed for solar, wind, transmission, and storage products and the biodiversity offsets. Could the amount of CO2 required to build, recycle, or dispose of the aforementioned items also be included. Likewise, could the cost of building, recycling, and disposing of the aforementioned items also be clearly outlined. Biodiversity impacts such as increased tyre wear due to heavier batteries in cars, increased breaking distance on roadkill, impact on bats and birds from transmission lines and wind turbines, and removal of native flora and fauna due to land use should also be clearly outlined. 3. If the CSIRO cannot provide, can it state which department is responsible for maintaining and tracking the roadmap and refer the question onto them? 4. Could the change in Earth’s temperature as a result of Australia undertaking the 43% reduction in CO2 measures please be stated in order to ensure appropriate benchmarking and accountability if targets are not met? 5. Could the CSIRO confirm if every country uses the same methods to calculate CO2 emission and reductions? If not, why not? What guarantees are there under the Net Zero that Australia won’t be disadvantaged as a result of signing up to the Net Zero pledge?

Question Number: 235 PDR Number: SQ22-000356 Date Submitted: 23/11/2022 Department or Body: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 1. Australia’s National Greenhouse Accounts are the official dataset for tracking progress towards the Australian Government’s emissions reduction targets. The National Greenhouse Accounts are compiled consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate […]

Genotoxicity studies still haven’t been done – why not?

Community Affairs Legislation Committee08/11/2022EstimatesHEALTH AND AGED CARE PORTFOLIOOffice of the Gene Technology Regulator   [21:41] Senator RENNICK: We’ve spoken before. I’ll ask this question again, and I’m happy to have the two professors answer as well. Is the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator actually going to perform any genotoxicity studies on the vaccine, given […]