AHPRA are preventing doctors and nurses from highlighting risks to their patients
In estimates I asked AHPRA if they were going to end the culture of fear in the medical profession brought about by their unnecessary oppression of doctors and nurses who had the courage to stand up against the misinformation propagated by the Health bureaucracy.
The C.H.O. still can’t explain why actual deaths increased in 2021 (with no Covid)
10,000 extra deaths and all we get are crickets from the Health Department.
The C.H.O. has tried to argue the vaccine reduced all cause mortality
The Chief Health Officer is now trying to claim the Covid vaccine reduced all cause mortality. I.e. deaths from other causes apart from Covid. This is despite the fact that deaths jumped from 162,000 to 172,000 in 2021 and to 190,000 in 2022. Seriously you just can’t make this stuff up.
Will we be disadvantaged when calculating net zero models?
Which model of the 40 models is the right model? The CSIRO can’t say. They just want us to trust them.
Panicked RBA down $43 billion due to Covid fear mongering
Yet again my questioning of the RBA was cut short as they struggle to explain why they made such big losses as result of Covid.
Health public servants on $850,000 with no prior experience
It’s no wonder our Health system is such a mess when bureaucrats employed to run it can be so under qualified and so over paid.
Inflation is increasing and the RBA is out of touch
In Estimates I pointed out to the RBA that their rapid interest rate increases are sending small businesses including builders insolvent.
Introducing the Minister for Agriculture (& former staffer of Anna Bligh)
In estimates I asked the Agricultural Minister to take a stand for the Agricultural sector and lobby his former boss to keep bank branches open in the regions. Murray Watt was a former Chief of Staff to Anna Bligh and State MP when she privatised much of Queensland’s Infrastructure.