Why does the AEC allow people to vote twice and then publicly doesn’t disclose it?
In the recent round of estimates I asked the AEC if they had real time recording of people voting to prevent people from voting twice.
Why won’t our intelligence agencies investigate the origins of the coronavirus? –
It’s quite obvious that ASIO like the AFP are covering up the origins of Coronavirus because if it was to be investigated it would lead back to the US intelligence agencies and Anthony Fauci.
The Climate Change Authority doesn’t seem to know much or do much
Climate change madness isn’t just killing the environment and your wallet.
It’s created a behemoth bureaucracy that doesn’t even know what its own purpose is.
It would appear these bureaucrats are baffled by their own bs.
Is there a toxic chemical in wind turbine blades?
Bisphenol A is an endocrine disrupter that has been linked to about 80 diseases including cancers and reproductive disorders. It is lethal for young children. In 2012, the World Health Organisation warned about the potentially carcinogenic properties of endocrine disrupters and concluded that they pose a global threat to public health.
We’re paying for trees to be planted that mother nature has already grown
In estimates I asked the Environment Department why they are paying farmers to lock up their farms and grow mulga trees.
Endangered species must be protected from renewable energy construction
Gotta love it don’t you. They can report national CO2 emissions on a quarterly basis but try asking for a national report on the numbers of endangered species and this is what you get.
$1.5 Trillion to meet our 2050 green targets
The energy department said in estimates that Australia needs 100GW of renewable energy to reach its 2030 renewable energy target.
Ballot papers are stored at home before voting, not after
Before the referendum I was sent job advertisements from the AEC stating that employees would have to store ballots at home.
Why are community batteries going to inner city suburbs?
In estimates I asked for the work papers behind the decisions as to where to place community batteries.
Bureaucrats on eye-watering salaries & they can’t get questions answered on time
The Secretary of the Environment and Infrastructure Department complained about answering 400 questions on notice from the last set of estimates in his opening statement.