How can the Stroke Foundation say Covid Vaccines don’t cause strokes when they cause clots?

How can you be called as an expert witness when you haven’t done any research?

At the recent Excess Death Inquiry I asked the Stroke Foundation why they believe the vaccine protected people from strokes. A claim they made in their submission.

On further questioning they made this claim based on advice from the Health Department but had done no research themselves on the mechanism of the vaccine.

This is a typical feature of “expert” world whereby the so called experts are really just useful idiots who repeat the narrative of whoever is paying them.

This is negligent, as people rely on these experts thinking the person knows what they are talking about when in actual fact they are parroting lines.

It’s worth noting the I had an argument with John Skerritt early on whereby he refused to acknowledge that the vaccine could cause strokes even though he acknowledged it caused clots. Clots lead to strokes so it’s ridiculous to argue they don’t cause strokes.

Community Affairs References Committee
Excess Mortality

Senator RENNICK: My questions are mainly for the Stroke Foundation. In your submission, you note that the risk of stroke is increased in people who contract COVID-19 or experience long COVID. Is there any reason why you ignored the risk of vaccine injury in your submission?

Dr Murphy: Mainly because vaccinations actually protect survivors of stroke. Once again, it’s about that risk balance. With the mRNA vaccines, there is no evidence to show that they cause an increase in stroke. There is absolutely strong evidence that survivors of stroke should get vaccinated. There are very few cases who have had a stroke subsequent to having the AstraZeneca vaccine, and that is with a rare clotting disorder.

Senator RENNICK: Have you read the product assessment report for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine?

Dr Murphy: No, I haven’t.

Senator RENNICK: Just for the record, it’s been released by the TGA. It’s not a conspiracy theory, just so that Senator Pratt is aware of that. On page 27, it talks about the results of the testing on the Pfizer trial, and it shows that people who received a COVID vaccine had a 250 per cent greater risk of a nervous system disorder than someone who got the placebo. I’ll also note that there was actually missing information on the use of the vaccine in frail patients with comorbidities, including chronic neurological disease and cardiovascular disorder. Given the lack of evidence in the trials around the COVID-19 vaccine, are you still convinced that there is no risk at all from vaccine injury in regard to people getting strokes?

Dr Murphy: I would like to read that report and also delve deeper into the neurological disorder because that is a huge spectrum of diseases. We can get back to you on that one.

Senator RENNICK: Can I ask why you didn’t read it before you appeared today? Obviously, a product assessment report goes with every medical product that is released by the TGA. Having regard to the number of people who will appear before an inquiry and who haven’t read the product assessment report regarding that particular medication, it strikes me as incredible.

Dr Murphy: We take our advice on vaccinations from the department of health as the source of credibility. As I said, I will read that report and get back to you.

Senator RENNICK: That leads to my next question: have you read the non-clinical evaluation report released by the TGA in regard to the biochemistry of the vaccine? In particular, have you noted the fact that, on page 19, the vaccine uses mRNA that has been optimised to increase the expression of the spike protein, and that the vaccine spike protein has been found to last for up to at least 60 days in the blood of people who have received a COVID vaccination?

Dr Murphy: No, I haven’t read that report.

Senator RENNICK: You haven’t read that report either?

Dr Murphy: No.

Senator RENNICK: Are you aware that the natural nucleotide uridine was replaced with methylpseudouridine for the purpose of ensuring that the mRNA lasts for longer in the body than the normal, natural mRNA?

Dr Murphy: No, I am not aware of that.

Senator RENNICK: Are you aware that a normal dose, or a standard dose, a 30 micron dose, of the COVID vaccine had 13 trillion mRNA strands in it that are capable of producing at least up to 100 spike proteins for each mRNA strand, which is a much greater dose than the body would receive from a natural virus?

Dr Murphy: No, I am not aware of those reports. We can get back to you. My expertise is more in stroke than in vaccination, so we do take our guidance from the department of health.

Senator RENNICK: The reason why I asked that is because the spike protein has been shown to damage the heart, the veins and the arteries. I would have thought that the Stroke Foundation would be interested in the impact of the long-lasting spike protein from the vaccine, the impact on the cardiovascular system, clotting and then strokes.

Dr Murphy: Yes, I appreciate that. We will read the report and we will get back to you.

Senator RENNICK: Are clots capable of causing strokes? Are clots a leading indicator for strokes? I know strokes can be caused by numerous factors. Is clotting one of them?

Dr Murphy: It is, yes.





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