Doctor! Doctor!
Some get precious about their titles don’t they.
“It’s not clear to me how your questions are related to the expenditure and operations of the government.”
What a pathetic response from the chair of the Community Affairs Committee in estimates.
$15 billion and counting just on Covid drugs alone and she doesn’t understand how it’s relates to the expenditure and operations of the government!
This was late on the last night of estimates and it was a deliberate attempt by the chair and bureaucrats to run down the clock as they know they can’t talk about “transfection” which is gene therapy and gain of function.
When people wake up and realise just how dangerous these lipids that can slice through any membrane are, there will be rioting on the streets.
It’s important people do wake up as big pharma intend to continue to use this dangerous gene therapy into the future.
Community Affairs Legislation Committee
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
Senator RENNICK: It’s really important. The public aren’t aware that this is first drug that’s ever crossed the cell membrane and that induces an auto-immune response. Hopefully, Ms Robertson—
Prof. Lawler: Dr Robertson.
Senator RENNICK: Sorry, Dr Robertson.
CHAIR: Dr Robertson, I’ll come to you for an answer. I’m not making a ruling, Senator Rennick, but I will remind the committee that whilst the scope of estimates is very broad—it goes to the operations and expenditure of government—it is not unlimited. I feel like we’re getting into an area here where it is not clear to me how your questions connect to the expenditure and operations of government. I will allow Dr Robertson to respond, but then I would ask when you are asking your questions to please make that link clear to enable me to rule it in order. Dr Robertson.