In the last sitting week the Coalition and Crossbench voted for a Senate Inquiry into the terms of a Covid Royal Commission.
I will ask the Inquiry to investigate:
The origins of Covid-19 including any collusion by the CIA and Fauci to cover up their gain of function research.
The withdrawal of antibiotics for people with Covid that could have prevented secondary bacterial infections and fewer deaths.
The accuracy of the PCR tests and why the TGA refuse to release details of what exactly they test for.
The refusal of the health department to provide serology tests from 2019 to find out if Covid was already in the community.
The totalitarian role of the States in locking people down, up and out.
The efficacy of masks and mandatory mask wearing.
The efficacy and safety of the vaccine.
The failure to help the vaccine injured and subsequent gaslighting.
The coercion used to enforce vaccine mandates.
The risks of repeated boosting.
The indemnity given to the big pharmaceuticals.
The dodgy modelling used to justify government decisions.
The role of the media including social media in the dissemination of propaganda and censorship.
The need to jail government, corporate and media authorities who abused their authority and in doing so destroyed or damaged the lives of millions of people.