I was pleased to sign this letter sent to AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency), by Tony Nikolic from AFL Solicitors, to remind them of the laws around public interest disclosures and whistleblower protections.
It is my view that AHPRA have been in breach of these laws in gagging medical professionals who have raised their concerns about the safety of the provisionally approved COVID-19 Vaccine. I have also raised these concerns with the Federal Attorney General and will be pursuing this matter further.
It is unconscionable that unelected bureaucrats are interfering in the doctor-patient relationship.
“I would take this opportunity to remind you that, as a public entity, you are bound by the Act. This means that you, or any employees of AHPRA, are prohibited in Law from taking punitive action against said doctors on the basis of any public interest disclosures released under their social media accounts or any other method of public disclosure…..Should we become aware that a doctor who has registered their public disclosure with our office has been reprimanded or censured by AHPRA on the basis of a qualifying disclosure, we will not hesitate to take action against any employee of AHPRA that, in so doing, breaks the law. This may include criminal referrals where appropriate.” (Tony Nikolic)
Are you a medical professional or medical student that is facing regulatory action by AHPRA?
Please contact Senator Gerard Rennick with information about your case through the AHPRA Whistleblowers Form.