The TGA admits that they overruled an autopsy where the cause of death was the Pfizer vax

“As we’ve previously advised as to how we investigate cases we do not overrule the decisions of the coroner’s or the cause of death. What we do is consider the cases using the WHO causality framework.”


And there you have it. The TGA are overriding coroner reports using the WHO guidelines as an excuse. How convenient!

The TGA didn’t explain why WHO guidelines justify overriding pathology and histology reports and a proper investigation. But it does prove that the Department of Health and the TGA are taking their orders from a foreign unelected organisation and allowing Australians to be killed as a result of their subservience.

It beggars belief the TGA don’t request autopsies, they just follow a foreign bureaucrats guidelines.

By the way Larter is lying when he says the TGA have provided on many occasions the process of making casual links. I’ve never asked him about a specific coroners report before but of course he likes to chew the clock up making unfounded claims.

And again he lies claiming I’ve previously asked how many autopsies has the TGA received. I previously asked how they could rule out a reported death from the vaccine without an autopsy.

Of course we now know the TGA don’t solicit autopsy reports at all preferring to follow the guidelines of their foreign overlords while Australians continue to suffer.

Committee on 7/11/2024

Item: Community Affairs Legislation Committee – 07/11/2024 – Estimates – HEALTH AND AGED CARE PORTFOLIO – Therapeutic Goods Administration

Senator RENNICK: Professor Lawler, I’d like to address this issue of the autopsy again, if that’s okay. My question to you is the same one from this morning. Why wasn’t it reported in the weekly vaccine report that there was a death from the Pfizer vaccine?

Prof. Lawler : We at the TGA have provided, on many occasions, previously to you and to other senators in questions the processes that we follow, in respect of making an investigation of causal links and in terms of the information that we provide. We’ve indicated previously that we don’t request autopsies or coronial investigations or make formal determinations as to the cause of death. I’m happy to—

Senator RENNICK: Thank you. Given that you don’t, what right do you have to override their decision and not report it or not report their decision?

Prof. Lawler : Just to be clear, as I’ve just said, the TGA is not in a position or the practice of overruling the causes of death that are determined by a coroner or a treating health professional and—

Senator RENNICK: That’s fine. So why don’t you report it?

Prof. Lawler : If I may, I understand that you do ask this question frequently, and I give the same answer each time. I would like to ask Dr Larter to explain how we incorporate that information, but I would start by saying that we have been very diligent and assiduous, in the past, to not discuss the personal details—

Senator RENNICK: I’m not asking for personal details. I just want to know why you wouldn’t report on an autopsy report that was prepared by pathologists that examined the body?

Prof. Lawler : Of individual cases? Because that’s inappropriate, in a clinical setting—

Senator RENNICK: Not the details but in the weekly report, to say, ‘We had a death from the Pfizer vaccine this week.’ It’s similar to what you did with the—

Prof. Lawler : I’m very happy to ask Dr Larter to respond to that question.

Dr Larter : The TGA can confirm that we do have this case. It’s been reported in our database of adverse event notifications and has contributed to our ongoing safety monitoring. As we’ve previously advised, regarding the processes of how we investigate cases, we do not overrule the decisions of coroners or the cause of death. What we do is consider the cases using the WHO causality assessment framework. Where a case was assessed as being causally linked to vaccination, we did publish those in our weekly report, and, where cases were considered by a vaccine safety investigation group and they were found to not be causally linked, they were also published. I’d like to reassure you, though, that this case has contributed to our ongoing monitoring, and the risks of myocarditis are accurately represented in the product information for the mRNA vaccines, including the potential for rare but fatal adverse outcomes.

Senator RENNICK: So, in your opinion, you don’t think this particular case was a death from the vaccine?

Dr Larter : When this case was assessed through our processes, and we’re very cautious not to go into the personal details of individual cases—

Senator RENNICK: I’m not asking about personal details. I just want to know whether you think this was linked to the vaccine?

CHAIR: I’m listening very carefully so as not to interrupt the questions you’re seeking answers for. The scope of the committee is very broad and goes to the operations and expenditure of government. The scope you’re treading into here, and the way in which it would be required for the official to answer the question, I think, is extending outside of that scope. I’ll allow Dr Larter to continue to answer, but it is reasonable on that basis for her to either take that on notice or not answer if it comes to personal details or personal matters.

Dr Larter : Again, I can’t go into the individual considerations for a case. What I can say is it has been through our process, which looks at the available information and uses the WHO causality assessment framework. It has not been assessed as being causally linked, which is why it has not been published as one of the 14 deaths associated with vaccination.

Senator RENNICK: Okay, so—

Prof. Lawler : Sorry, if I may, I’d like to address the use of the phrase ‘in your opinion’, which, I think, could be taken to potentially suggest that Dr Larter or an individual within the TGA is having a look at the clinical case and making a decision based on that. That’s absolutely not what has occurred. As we have demonstrated previously through both verbal responses and questions on notice, there is a very robust and quite detailed process for the assessment of significant adverse events that includes the incorporation of the clinical views of experts from many fields.

Senator RENNICK: Thank you. How many autopsy reports did the TGA receive out of the 1,000 reported deaths?

Dr Larter : As I advised earlier this morning, we do work very closely with state and territory public health units and request additional information on reports of fatal adverse events, which will frequently include a request for any autopsy reports that are available. In terms of the numbers that we have received—

Senator RENNICK: That’s fine, you said that this morning.

Dr Larter : I would take that on notice.

Senator RENNICK: That’s fine. Can I get a number?

CHAIR: Senator Rennick, you do need to allow the officials to answer. Dr Larter, please continue.

Dr Larter : We’ve previously provided on notice the proportion of cases that have been referred to coronial processes. Again, if you would like us to look at—

Senator RENNICK: What number’s that? Because I haven’t asked that before.

CHAIR: Senator Rennick, please don’t interrupt the witness as she’s finishing her answer. I’ll come back to you to ask another question. I’ll also remind everyone that we have captions being done to facilitate the participation of people in our committee. When there’s cross-talk, it’s very difficult for those captioners to do their work. Dr Larter, please continue.

Dr Larter : We have previously provided that information on notice. If you would like updated statistics on the cases where we have identified that they’ve been referred to a coronial process—which may not be available for every individual case—we can provide that on notice.

Senator RENNICK: To me? Last time someone said they’d give me an answer to a question on notice, it was for a question I hadn’t asked. I’d just like to know what question on notice that was. Can you give me the number?

Prof. Lawler : We’re quite happy to have a look through. We have a record of the questions on notice that are relevant to the questions that are being asked repeatedly at estimates. We don’t always have an indication that they are from a specific senator.

Senator RENNICK: This is the first time I’ve asked a question about a specific autopsy report that linked a death to the Pfizer vaccine. That’s why I’m asking—because, until now, I’ve never seen an autopsy report that’s been linked to the Pfizer vaccine.

Prof. Lawler : I take that point, Senator. The question on notice is SQ-24000230 from February of this year. You asked specifically:

How can the TGA rule out deaths that died within a week of receiving the Covid vaccine without a proper autopsy proving it wasn’t the vaccine?

There was also commentary about John Skerritt, and the response itself indicated, as we have previously, that we do not request autopsies or coronial investigations, or make formal determinations on the cause of death, and then we’ve listed the 12 times we’ve answered that question previously.

Senator RENNICK: This is a slightly different question because I’m asking: how many autopsies you have received that linked the death to the vaccine? That’s what I’m asking for. You can take that on notice. I’m not expecting you to answer that now.

Prof. Lawler : I’m happy to take that on notice.





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