Here’s even more proof as to why the vaccine rollout should stop.
In estimates, Professor Skerritt from the TGA said the risk of serious illness in children from Covid was 1 in 3,000. Yet the number of serious injuries from the vaccine, up until a few weeks ago, is 18,511.
A serious injury is classified as a death, life threatening, inpatient hospitalisation, significant disability or a birth defect.
With around 20 million people vaccinated, that works out at just over 1 in 1,000 people seriously injured from the vaccine.
While I tend to suspect the vaccine injury rate gets higher with age, (the TGA makes it difficult to stratify) this is very strong evidence that the risk of serious vaccine injury for children is actually greater than of serious illness from Covid.
The total number of all suspected adverse events reported to the TGA is now over 125,000. This is a reported injury rate greater than 1 in 200 people.
This is a far cry from John Skerritt’s claim of one in a million injuries from the vaccine on the John Laws programme last year.
The number of vaccine injuries are under-reported at the best of times but in the case of Covid vaccines this is even more so given the censorship of our medical community.
It’s also worth noting that multisystem inflammatory syndrome is turning up in children from the vaccine as well.
Which makes you wonder just what the cause of this “new” disease is!
More Information:
COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report – 12-05-2022 | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
FOI Excerpt:
Request Consultation Process
1. I refer to your request dated 5 April 2022 under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the
FOI Act) for access to the following documents:
1. “De-identified information on all AEFI reported to the TGA for the Covid-19 vaccines where the AEFI was defined as serious. Specifically the information requested is the AEFI investigation form, and the causality assessment checklist or similar form/ instrument to determine causality and investigate AEFI (By way of reference serious AEFI has been defined as resulting in death, is life threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation or results in significant disability or a birth defect.) For example the WHO Causality Assesment guide for AEFI provides for a single page checklist for assesing causalty, and for a four page AEFI investigation form.
Decision Maker
2. I am the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) officer authorised to make a decision on
your request under the FOI Act.
Requirement to undertake a request consultation process
3. The TGA has now undertaken a preliminary search and retrieval for documents coming within the scope of your request. As a result, TGA officers have indicated that there are in excess of 292,340 relevant pages that would have to be processed for your request to be finalised. Specifically, TGA officers have identified the following:
• In relation to Item 1 of your request: There are 18,511 adverse events reported to the TGA that have been defined as ‘serious’. Based on a conservative estimate of 1 document per report, this aspect of your request would encompass more than 18,511 pages. There are likely to be many more pages associated with each report.