As a follow up to previous posts about some answers to Questions on Notice I think it’s worth reflecting on the poor manufacturing and packaging of the Covid vaccine.
As can be seen on page 20 of TGA FOI 2389-3 the size of the lipid nanoparticles can vary by as much as 100% from 60-120 nanometres.
This means that the number of mRNA strands in each particle will vary significantly as well.
Furthermore it’s worth nothing that the answer to Question 180 “The mRNA is not measured out for individual vials. This would be logistically impossible considering the billions of doses and vials produced globally” the TGA admit that they can’t be certain how much mRNA is in each vial.
Where is the safety quality assurance in this?
And then there is this doozy to Question 179:
“The margin of error for administering the 0.3 mL dose from the multidose vials will depend on multiple factors, such as the types of needles and syringes used at administration, as well as human error.”
Human error when you are administering an untested vaccine doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence does it!!! How could anyone say the vaccines were safe if they were subject to human error? What type of quality assurance is this.
Note this ignores aggregation whereby lipids stick together which is another conversation all together.
See Qons below.