Question Number: 224
PDR Number: SQ22-000283
Date Submitted: 21/11/2022
Department or Body: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
1. The Australian Government is committed to a sustainable offshore wind industry with strong social licence for its operation and benefits to the community. It is important that this new Australian industry reduces emissions in an environmentally sustainable manner. The International Electrotechnical Commission has developed the IEC 61400 series of wind energy standards. IEC 61400-5:2020 specifies requirements to ensure the engineering integrity of wind turbine blades and an appropriate level of operational safety throughout the design lifetime. It includes requirements that wind turbine blades must be made to withstand the effects of UV and that materials should be selected that do not decompose chemically into the environment. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is developing regulations under the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 to set out further operational requirements for projects. This will include the requirement for licence holders to advise the Offshore Infrastructure Regulator of the standards used for the project design, ongoing maintenance of infrastructure and how they plan to meet community expectations.